San Bernardino Court

The San Bernardino Court was already known in the 12th century by the name of Villa dei Reatini. It later became the property of the Augustoni family and in 1423 Bernardino of Siena, who preached in this area, was a guest here.

Address and contacts

San Bernardino - 42012 Campagnola Emilia (RE)
Phone 0039 0522.669844 - Municipal Library

Opening times

The place is managed by Cultural Association San Bernardino da Siena, which organizes events and happenings in cooperation with the Municipality of Campagnola Emilia.
For info and visits, contact the Municipal Library at the phone number above.

How to get there

By car
From the exit Reggio Emilia of the A1 motor-way, take Provincial Road SP travelling in the direction of Reggiolo. Turn right at Novellara. 
From the A22 motor-way, exit at Carpi and take the Provincial Road to Novellara.

By bus
From Piazzale Europa in Reggio Emilia, public transport bus n. 43 o 95

Historical notes

The originally closed court (the southern wing was destroyed) dates back to the era of Matilda, Countess di Canossa and was rebuilt in the 15th century with a main house on the west side, a dovecote on the north side, and an oratory dedicated to the saint. Of note is the archivolted portal with brick pilasters surmounted by a broken pediment.
It is now privately owned.
Abbazia di Campagnola (Abbey of Campagnola)
The Abbey of Campagnola can be visited every Sunday (2 km from the municipal seat heading south-east, equidistant between Campagnola and Novellara). What remains today is the central nave of a much larger medieval structure. Preserved are some architectural and artistic remains of the original construction.