Benzi Cristina

Tourist Guide and Tour Escort

Address and contacts

Via A. Lincoln, 12 - 41012 Carpi (Mo)
Phone 0039 059 640509
+39 338 3415671


Tourist Guide for Reggio Emilia and its province - Modena, Parma, Bologna, Emilia Romagna


By phone, or email


170.00 - Full day - up to 15 people
€ 100.00 - Half a day - up to 15 people
€ 95.00 - Short tours (max 90 minutes) - no participation limit

€ 3.00 - Each additional person - full day
€ 2.00 - Each additional person - half a day
€ 40.00 - Each extra hour 
€ 20.00 - Service in foreign language

Sphere of reference

- Cities, art, town planning, geography, history and culture; fortresses and castles 
- Tours in the Romanesque Art
- Tours in Mathilde di Canossa's lands and art cities in the Po Valley
- Music tours (Pavarotti, historic Theatres, Rock music in Emilia)
- Memory tours
- Enogastronomic tours
- Night tours (Reggio Emilia by night)
- Walking and cycling tours

Languages known

English - French - German