Church of Iano

The church is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin. The facade has a sloping roof with pilaster strips in the corners and upper pediment.

Address and contacts

Via Seminario - Locality Iano, 42019 Scandiano
Phone 0039 0522 857511 - Parish of Nativity

How to get there

See the indication to reach Scandiano.
Iano is 1 km far from Scandiano.

Notizie storiche

The renovation works were probably carried out in the first half of the 18th century. In 1846 the body of the church up to the presbytery was erected. In the late 1800s-early 1900s the façade was moved to the east and the chancel to the west, widening and lengthening the church. The bell tower rises separately on the northern side and culminates in a chamber with two-light mullioned windows. A nineteenth-century shrine set on a pilaster is situated along the road leading to the parochial church.