Ristorante Italo

Historical town restaurant that, with its vintage interiors, gives a cozy and romantic setting.

Address and contacts

Address Via Sessi, 14 - 42121 Reggio Emilia
Phone 0039 0522 439387

Ristorante Italo, inside


Opening times

Weekdays: 12.30 - 3.00 p.m.8.00 p.m. - midnight
Sunday and holidays: 8.00 p.m. - midnight

Weekly closure: Tuesday

Type of cuisine

Typical local cuisine and fish.

Dishes made with typical local ingredients and dishes of fresh fish from Mediterranean tradition, all strictly of the restaurant's own production.

Wine list

Italian wines with a careful selection based on quality and price from all the Italian regions.
In addition is a suggestion of French wines and champagne.

Average price

€ 35.00 / 40.00

Credit cards accepted: all

How to get there

Reggio Emilia - Town centre

Services and facilities

Adjacent ACI parking
Bathroom for the disabled


Seats: 40
Outside seats: 15
Rooms available: 2