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Guided tours

Reggio Emilia

Guided tours of the Ghiara Museum

Every second Saturday of the month, Fabbriceria della Ghiara offers guided tours at the Ghiara Museum. Download the App and watch the Ghiara Church vaults under new lights and discover the history of the church and meet the most important works of art stored inside the Museum.

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Guided tours of the worship buildings

Guided tours of the main religious buildings of Reggio Emilia.

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Reggio App

The tour of Reggio Emilia has never been that easy! Download the Apps you like best and start discovering the town.

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Guided tours of the San Pietro Cloisters

Guided tours of the monumental complex of the San Pietro Cloisters, via Emilia San Pietro 44/c. The tour lasts about 45 minutes and starts from the outside, in the garden in front of the main entrance, continues in the small Cloister, in the former Chapel and hall dated 1820, returns outside in the big Cloister and ends up in the Seven Halls.

Guided tours of the San Pietro Cloisters - Read More…