Cantina Garibaldi

Typical local cuisine with homemade dishes

Address and contacts

Via G. Di Vittorio, 4 - Locality Puianello, 42020 Quattro Castella
Phone 0039 0522 372065
Mobile +39 335 582 6060 (for reservation)

Cantina Garibaldi, outside

Opening times

Weekdays 07:00 p.m. - 01:00 a.m.
Sunday 07:00 p.m. - 01:00 a.m.
Weekly closure Sunday at lunch and Monday all day

Type of cuisine

Typical cuisine

Wine list

Over 60 types of wine, as well as Menabrea drought beer

Average price

€ 25.00 / 27.00
Credit card accepted Pagobancomat - Visa - Mastercard

How to get there


From Reggio Emilia take the SS63 direction Passo del Cerreto


Seats: 60
Outside seats: 30
Rooms available: 1