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Beata Vergine della Fossetta Sanctuary

Church dedicated to Beata Vergine della Fossetta, destination of numerous pilgrimages.

Address and contacts

Stradello della Fossetta - 42017 Novellara
Phone 0039 0522 654240

How to get there


In auto
Dal casello autostradale di Reggio Emilia (A1) prendere SS12 in direzione nord. Dalla Via Emilia (SS9), una volta raggiunta Reggio Emilia, imboccando SS12 che dalla circonvallazione nord porta verso il casello A1 e successivamente a Bagnolo e subito dopo Novellara. 
Provenendo da Mantova percorrendo la A22 (Modena/Brennero) uscita al casello Reggiolo/Rolo, raggiungere Reggiolo a pochi km proseguendo verso sud sempre sulla SS12. Sempre da Mantova, tramite SS63 è raggiungibile Guastalla, all'altezza della quale svoltando a sinistra in direzione sud-est ci si dirige direttamente a Novellara.

In treno
Dalla stazione FS di Reggio Emilia linea TPER Reggio-Guastalla

In autobus
Da Piazzale Europa autobus n° 43

Historical notes

In 1564 Count Alfonso the Ist built a small chapel with an image painted by Lelio Orsi. It was located north of the fortress, facing the bridge that joins a ring road with one directed at Campagnola. The chapel was later enlarged in the first half of the seventeenth century with the addition of a portico. In 1654 a new church was constructed following a design by architect G.B. Negri, dedicated to Our Lady of Fossetta on land donated by Lady Barbara Gonzaga with a structure similar to Chiesa del Gesù in Bologna.
The plant is a Greek cross with central dome and an upper dome supported by four pillars. New interventions were carried out in 1784 and the clock was placed in 1821 after the facade was restored and partly raised. The old chapel of XVI century was tore down and at its place was erected a memorial pillar.
The building has an elegant feature, divided by the sequence of lights in portico, and framed by pilasters.
The facade is broken up into niches with paintings and statues of saints.
The bell tower stands at a little distance on the west side and is surmounted by a cell trifore.

Behind the altar there is a fresco on the solid image of the Blessed Virgin of Fossetta painted according to tradition by Lelio Orsi in 1564.
Since its foundation, the Sanctuary, for the presence of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, considered miraculous, is the destination of many pilgrimages.

Useful information

sito web Mass timetable