San Ruffino Church

In 944 the "ecclesiam san Rufini positiam in loco Ventuso" was named.

Address and contacts

Via Larga - Locality San Ruffino, 42019 Scandiano
Phone 0039 0522 856596

How to get there

See the indication to reach Scandiano.
San Ruffino is 3km far from Scandiano

Historical notes

The church was restored in 1378. In 1688 the tower was erected, and the church was rebuilt between 1695 and 1697. In 1879, the priest’s house was restored. The church has a simple tripartite façade with east-west orientation; the bell tower rises behind the southern side and concludes with a chamber with two-light mullioned windows. The interior of the church has a single-vaulted nave. Behind the church remains the lovely priest’s house with a double loggia with three-light mullioned windows.