Inlayed work Museum

Museum dedicated to the "Rolini", valuable furniture inlayed with wood manufactured in the Rolo area.

Address and contacts

Corso Repubblica, 39 - 42047 Rolo
Phone 0039 0522 658028-658011
sito web Inlayed work Museum

Opening times

Saturday 3.00 - 6.00 p.m.; Sunday 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.; other days: opening upon request.

Entrance fees

Free entrance

How to get there

By car
From Reggio Emilia: Provincial Road SP5 travelling to Novellara and Reggiolo, and turn off in the direction of Villanova and Rolo.

By bus
From Reggio Emilia, Piazzale Europa: bus No 43.

Historical notes

The museum, opened in 1994, is dedicated to the "Rolini", valuable furniture inlayed with wood manufactured in the Rolo area. Inside the museum are also furniture, original drawings, panels with technical and historical information, as well as a library to consult textbooks.

Quality Museum - acknowledgement given by Regione Emilia Romagna - Institute of Culture "IBC".