San Pietro Church

In a document of 1140, with which archbishop Gualterio confirms to the Canons the Cathedral of Reggio Emilia, it is possible to read that the San Pietro Church was located in the town suburbs, towards Modena (also named after SS. Pietro and Prospero).

Address and contacts

Via Emilia San Pietro, 44 - 42121 Reggio Emilia
telefono 0039 0522 434760
Website GiraReggio
Website San Pietro Church

Opening times

From Monday to Saturday
8.00 a.m. - 12.00
/ 3.30 - 7.00 p.m.

Sunday and holidays
4.00 - 7.00 p.m.

How to get there

Reggio nell'Emilia - Town centre

Historical notes

In 1513 the bishop Albericone consecrated the church that Pope Leone X gave to the Benedettini of San Prospero extra muros (who, after they were expelled by Alfonso I for strategic reasons, built the convent whose cloisters can be still admired todays). At the beginning of the XVII century as a project by Giulio della Torre, the current church was built to which the cupola (1625/29) planned by Reggio's Paolo Messori was added (who got inspiration from San Pietro in Rome). In 1816 the current step parvis was built and restored in 1926/30. In this temple having a Latin cross shape with a single aisle, some high value stucco, marble and wooden ancons are preserved. They date back to different periods, but they are mainly of the 1600. There are also precious paintings always of the XVII century by Tiarini, Besenzi and Malossi.

Other informations

Website Holy masses